[fpc-pascal] Help with understanding HeapTrc output

dmitry boyarintsev skalogryz.lists at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 08:13:15 CET 2008


If you're using Lazarus, you'd probably be interested in using LeakView

If you write out HeapTrc output into separate file, then LeakView dialog
will allow you to read the file, and present the the leaks in compact
tree-view style. Also, it will allow you to quick jump by double-clicking.
to the line, causing the leak .

You can write out HeapTrc into separate file in two ways:

1) if your project uses HeapTrc unit, then you can specify file name by
using procedure SetHeapTraceOutput(filename);

2) if you're using -gh compiler option, then you should specify environment
variable, IIRC: HEAPTRC:log=filename

LeakView has been included in Lazarus Package list, so the only thing you
need is to rebuild IDE with the package included.
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