Graeme.<br><p>If you're using Lazarus, you'd probably be interested in using LeakView package.</p><p>If you write out HeapTrc output into separate file, then LeakView dialog will allow you to read the file, and present the the leaks in compact tree-view style. Also, it will allow you to quick jump by double-clicking. to the line, causing the leak .</p>
<p>You can write out HeapTrc into separate file in two ways:</p><p>1) if your project uses HeapTrc unit, then you can specify file name by using procedure SetHeapTraceOutput(filename); </p><p>2) if you're using -gh compiler option, then you should specify environment variable, IIRC: HEAPTRC:log=filename</p>
<p>LeakView has been included in Lazarus Package list, so the only thing you need is to rebuild IDE with the package included.</p><p></p>