[fpc-pascal] Re: Using OpenCASCADE 3d tools with Pascal?

Paul Nicholls paulfnicholls at gmail.com
Thu Dec 18 22:46:53 CET 2008

"Marc Santhoff" <M.Santhoff-zqRNUXuvxA0b1SvskN2V4Q at public.gmane.org> wrote
in message news:1229580231.333.8.camel at localhost.das.netz...
> Am Donnerstag, den 18.12.2008, 09:02 +1100 schrieb Paul Nicholls:
>> Hi all,
>>     I am wondering if anyone here has ever managed to use the free
>> open-source OpenCASCADE 3d tools (www.opencascade.org) with Pascal
>> before?
> I don't think so, but I remember two facts:
> The toolkit is huge, porting will be a lot of work.
> And it'll be complicated or maybe impossible because it is written in C
> ++. IIRC there are some problems related to C++ objects in libraries and
> fpc.
>> An already developed ActiveX OCX control has been developed that may
>> work but it costs lots of money.
> IIRC there was Java binding back in version 4 of opencascade (the
> version I had to deal with). I'm not sure if that could be used as a
> guideline for adapting to object pascal, though.
> HTH anyhow,
> Marc

I was thinking more along the lines of perhaps creating a compatible dll
that could be used for Pascal/Delphi, and if necessary, flattening when
necessary method calls to plain functions, etc.

I'm sure this sort of thing has been done before as you can use it under
Visual Basic, Java, C#, Python, Ruby.

I have seen various people create a single dll containing the OpenCASCADE 
routines, but I am not sure how.

One person has made

"NaroCAD, a free open source parametric modeling CAD application with C#:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/narocad/. The project contains a 
.Net(C++/CLI) wrapper layer and also a wrapper code generator application, 
you can generate your own wrappers in the language you want.
The OCC 6.3.0 wrappers are compiled under one assembly named 

See the thread below


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