[fpc-pascal] The reason why linus torvalds hate-pascal

Rodrigo Palhano rodrigo at speedcase.com.br
Tue Apr 15 14:13:44 CEST 2008

The original text about this matter.

Go To Statement Considered Harmful
Edsger W. Dijkstra


On Tue, 15 Apr 2008 08:50:43 -0300, Florian Klaempfl  
<florian at freepascal.org> wrote:

> Vinzent Höfler schrieb:
>>   Marco van de Voort wrote:
>>>> Ah....the old goto arguing....how many beers have gone with it!
>>>> Linus is just right, since everyday the purists of the OO languages
>>>> still can't live without writing a GOTO; they just call it in another
>>>> "politically correct" way:
>>>>     raise Exception.Create("TA-DA!")
>>> There is a fundamental difference. You don't know where exactly this  
>>> will
>>> end up (jump and destination are decoupled), and that destination can  
>>> differ
>>> depending on calling sequence.
>>  Which, in some cases art least, makes "doing it the right way" even  
>> worse. :D
> Exceptions sometimes remind me of the COME FROM statement of INTERCAL:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INTERCAL
> I think even Wirth called exceptions even worse than come from.
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Rodrigo Palhano
Equipe SpeedCASE

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