[fpc-pascal] Contrib Section Spam

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Mon Jul 23 11:45:39 CEST 2007

On 23 Jul 2007, at 02:12, L wrote:

> http://freepascal.org/contrib/db.php3?category=Miscellaneous
> Someone should lock off that section of the website.. temporarily.
> It is getting spammed and filling up the database fast.

Strange. Normally, every addition causes a mail to be sent to fpc- 
announce which then ends up in the moderation queue. When I see it's  
spam, I then also delete the entry in the database. But I haven't  
seen any mails being sent to fpc-announce lately.

It's true that thing needs much better spam protection though,  
because deleting all those spam entries also gets annoying after a  


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