[fpc-pascal] converting flexcel to fpc

Bisma Jayadi bisma at brawijaya.ac.id
Fri Aug 10 15:35:39 CEST 2007

Hi all,

I'm now trying to compile FlexCel v.2.5.3 (latest open source version before 
it's bought by TMS) using FPC v.2.0.4 on Linux (Kubuntu 6.10 Feitsy). After 
adding IFDEFs here and there, finally FPC is able to compile it. But, I don't 
know why FPC fails to linking program (to executable) that uses FlexCel units. 
The linking process shows nothing but a simple "linking error" message.

Even a very simple program that uses a FlexCel unit without any codes on the 
main block also fails to link. If somebody interested to help or assist me on 
this, I'll be very appreciated. Soon Flexcel can be used by FPC, I believe we 
can natively read/write MS Excel (BIFF-8) files on any platforms. Like it or 
not, MS Office suite still leads the office market.

I thank you in advance for any kind of helps/replies.



has Bee.ography at:

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