[fpc-pascal] fpcUnit todo list

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 12:49:36 CET 2006

On 09/11/06, Jonas Maebe <jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be> wrote:
> > The xml used is the xmlwriter unit - part of FPC.  Is this a problem?
> The problem is that the xml stuff must be built before you can run
> the testsuite with fpcunit tests included (since the fpcunit package
> depends on the xml stuff). This means that before you can start
> running the testsuite, your compiler has to be stable and complete
> enough to compile packages and fcl. That's not reasonable.

Ok, so if the OutputFactory idea is also not going to work. Why not
try something completely different.  What if every test suite compiled
to a .dll or .so file - nothing more.  The fpcUnit executable compiled
previously with a stable compiler and includes all the output format
are then run during the nightly builds.

The fpcUnit executable can parse and load the .dll or .so test suites
and execute them (run their contained test cases).  The nightly
compiler run then only needs to compile the test suites to .dll or .so

Well something like that anyway...  :-) Would something like this be possible?

  - Graeme -

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