[fpc-pascal] Daemon doesn't work right at boottime.
Joep Blom
jlblom at neuroweave.nl
Fri Jun 2 00:34:40 CEST 2006
A.J. Venter wrote:
>>>Any idea where I should start looking ?
>>Just a shot into the dark: maybe you start yout deamon, before your
>>local timezone is set up?
>>Does it change anything, when you move your bootscript to a higher
>>position in rc.x, e.g. make it S99whatever?
>Good theory, but my daemon is very nearly the last bootscript to run, quite a
>long while after this system at least has set up the local timezone, ran
>ntpdate once and then started ntpd.
>The log on a normal run shows each plugin getting run on zero, then again on
>whatever their interval dictates - but from bootup the only thing that shows
>up in the log are the tick's
>Here are the critical parts of the source:
>Procedure ReadPlugins;
>Var Plugins, ThisPlugin : TstringList;
> I,J : Integer;
> CMD,Min : String;
>Writeln('Woled started');
>Writeln(Flog,'Woled started');
>Actions := TStringList.Create;
>ThisPLugin := TstringList.Create;
>If Plugins.Count = 0 then
> Writeln(Flog,'No plugins configured, exciting');
> close(Flog);
> halt;
>For I := 0 to Plugins.Count -1 do
> ThisPlugin.Clear;
> ThisPlugin.LoadFromFile('/etc/wole/plugins/'+Plugins[I]);
> for J := 0 to ThisPlugin.Count -1 do
> Begin
> If pos('ACTION=',uppercase(ThisPlugin[J])) <> 0 then
> begin
> CMD:=Copy(ThisPlugin[J],pos('=',ThisPlugin[J])+1,length(ThisPlugin[J]));
> end;
> If pos('INTERVAL=',uppercase(ThisPlugin[J])) <> 0 then
> begin
> Min:=Copy(ThisPlugin[J],pos('=',ThisPlugin[J])+1,length(ThisPlugin[J]));
> end;
> end;
> If (Length(Min) <> 0) And (Length(CMD) <> 0) then
> begin
> Actions.Add(min+'='+cmd);
> end else
> Begin
> Writeln(Flog,'Could not read ',Plugins[I],' format error.');
> end;
>Writeln('Handling ',actions.count,' plugins');
> {Inside the fork}
> Repeat
> If bHup Then Begin
> {$I-}
> Close(fLog);
> {$I+}
> IOResult;
> NewLog;
> bHup := false;
> End;
> {----------------------}
> Assign(Flog,Logname);
> Append(Flog);
> Writeln (Flog,'Tick - ',minutes,' minutes');
> For PCount := 0 to Actions.Count -1 do
> Begin
> Mint := StrToInt(Copy(Actions[Pcount],1,pos('=',Actions[Pcount]) -1));
> If Minutes mod Mint = 0 then
> Begin
> Writeln(Flog,'Executing plugin action:');
>Writeln(Flog,' ',copy(Actions[Pcount],pos('=',Actions[Pcount])+1,length(Actions[Pcount])));
> Writeln(Flog,'Action completed, resuming counter');
> end;
> end;
> Close(fLog);
> If bTerm Then
> Else
> { wait a while }
> fpSelect(0,nil,nil,nil,60000);
> inc(Minutes);
> Until bTerm;
> Actions.Free;
Just my 2 cents: If you're on linux look at the file rw permissions,
especially for I/O-interfaces like ttyS0, ttyS1, etc. In Fedora they
have only root write permissions.
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