[fpc-pascal] Compiling the compiler

Andreas Berger Andreas at TheBergerClan.org
Tue Jul 25 21:45:38 CEST 2006

Vincent Snijders wrote:
> Andreas Berger schreef:
>> Andreas Berger wrote:
>>> I have a problem compiling the compiler. After a lot of compilation 
>>> it attempts to compile pp.pas and I get the following error:
>>>    pp.pas(213,1) Error: Entrypoint start not defined.
>> I downloaded todays snapshot and had the same problem. Then I 
>> compiled using "make all" + "make install" instead of "make cycle" 
>> and it worked. Is this correct? What does "make cycle" do exactly?
> There is at least one difference.
> If you do make cycle in the compiler directory, the fpc.cfg file is used.
> If you do make all or make compiler_cycle in the fpc source directory 
> (that contains a compiler subdirectory), then no fpc.cfg file is used.
> So maybe you should try make cycle OPT="-n"
Sorry, it gave the same error.

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