[fpc-pascal] Compiling the compiler

Lee, John john.lee at logicacmg.com
Mon Jul 24 19:11:06 CEST 2006

Suggest you read these links - but from memory this is what you do. As was said before the utils are not included in snapshots- usually it's just the minimum there. 

A) you need to download the latest go32v2 release which is 2.0.2 eg from ftpmaster.freepascal.org or another ftp site, from /pub/fpc/dist/i386-go32v2-2.0.2/ 

You then install this, and this gives you the correct version of all of the gnu utils you need and the released compiler that's used to start the make. The utils include make & ld - some others are used in the make too   

B) Then you download the latest v2.1 source from /pub/fpc/snapshot/v21/source/fpc.zip & unzip it into a suitable directory, or get latest sources from svn if you can use it. Then, with the utils from step A in your path you do the 'make cycle' in ...\compiler & away you go. As was explained before, the makefiles are generated in fpc by another program and are included in the source...  

Of course you can use B for making the latest v2.0 (ie v2.0.3) as well, with suitable directory name change above to v20... 

BTW a new release 2.0.4, with a load of bug fixes, updates, is being prepared for release within next weeks - we are currently on rc2.   

Let us know if there are any problems & we may be able to use these to fix problems in the documentation for 2.0.4.   

Regards John 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: fpc-pascal-bounces at lists.freepascal.org
> [mailto:fpc-pascal-bounces at lists.freepascal.org]On Behalf Of Marco van
> de Voort
> Sent: 24 July 2006 17:05
> To: FPC-Pascal users discussions
> Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Compiling the compiler
> > Steve Williams wrote:
> > > Andreas Berger wrote:
> > >> I downloaded the latest snapshot and wish to recompile the fpc 
> > >> compiler for G032v2. I found an old doc that says to:
> > >>   cd compiler
> > >>   make cycle
> > >>
> > >> This obviously will not work since FPC has fpcmake and not make. 
> > >> There is also no makefile called cycle in the compiler 
> folder. Can 
> > >> someone tell me how to completely recompile the fpc?
> > >>   
> > >
> > > http://www.freepascal.org/moreinfo.html contains a link to the 
> > > Building FAQ
> > > http://www.stack.nl/~marcov/buildfaq.pdf
> > >
> > Where would I download the GNU make.exe? It does not come with FPC.
> It does. However only with the releases, not with the snapshots.
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