[fpc-pascal] Internal error 200203271

Steve Williams stevewilliams at kromestudios.com
Fri Jul 14 01:38:57 CEST 2006

Marco van de Voort wrote:
> D:/repo/fpcex/compiler/ppcrossarm.exe -Tlinux -Parm -XParm-linux- -Xc -Xr
> -XX -C
> X -Ur -Xs -O2 -n -Fuglib -Fuatk -Fupango -Fugtk+/gdk-pixbuf -Fugtk+/gdk
> -Fugtk+/
> gtk -Fulibglade -Fugtkglext -FuD:/repo/fpcex/rtl/units/arm-linux
> -FDd:\repo\cros
> s\arm-linux -FE. -FUunits/arm-linux -dEXTDEBUG -gl -darm -dRELEASE
> buildgtk2.pp
> units\arm-linux\glib2.sl
> d:\repo\cross\arm-linux\arm-linux-ar.exe: creating
> units\arm-linux\libpglib2.a
> units\arm-linux\glib2.sl
> units\arm-linux\atk.sl
> d:\repo\cross\arm-linux\arm-linux-ar.exe: creating units\arm-linux\libpatk.a
> units\arm-linux\atk.sl
> units\arm-linux\pango.sl
> d:\repo\cross\arm-linux\arm-linux-ar.exe: creating
> units\arm-linux\libppango.a
> units\arm-linux\pango.sl
> units\arm-linux\gdk2pixbuf.sl
> d:\repo\cross\arm-linux\arm-linux-ar.exe: creating
> units\arm-linux\libpgdk2pixbu
> f.a
> units\arm-linux\gdk2pixbuf.sl
> units\arm-linux\gdk2.sl
> d:\repo\cross\arm-linux\arm-linux-ar.exe: creating
> units\arm-linux\libpgdk2.a
> units\arm-linux\gdk2.sl
> gtkspinbutton.inc(267,4) Fatal: Internal error 200203271
>   $004DF30F  SECONDPASS,  line 175 of pass_2.pas
>   $0049DA27  DO_GENERATE_CODE,  line 1274 of psub.pas
>   $0049DFD9  READ_DECLARATIONS,  line 1584 of psub.pas
>   $00447E2D  COMPILE,  line 422 of parser.pas
>   $0049122A  TPPUMODULE__LOADPPU,  line 1411 of fppu.pas
>   $00499C5F  LOADUNITS,  line 602 of pmodules.pas
>   $0049A55A  PROC_UNIT,  line 918 of pmodules.pas
>   $00447E2D  COMPILE,  line 422 of parser.pas
>   $0041C985  COMPILE,  line 375 of compiler.pas
> Fatal: Compilation aborted
> Max Memory used/heapsize: 33.348/34.304 Kb
> make[5]: *** [buildgtk2.ppu] Error 1
> make[5]: Leaving directory :/repo/fpcex/packages/extra/gtk2'
> make[4]: *** [fpc_smart] Error 2
> make[4]: Leaving directory :/repo/fpcex/packages/extra/gtk2'
> make[3]: *** [gtk2_smart] Error 2
> make[3]: Leaving directory :/repo/fpcex/packages/extra'
> make[2]: *** [extra_smart] Error 2
> make[2]: Leaving directory :/repo/fpcex/packages'
> make[1]: *** [packages_extra_smart] Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory :/repo/fpcex'
> make: *** [build-stamp.arm-linux] Error 2

Is there any progress on this?  I tried to debug it last night (getting 
a similar callstack to the above), but my skills with gdb are extremely 


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