[fpc-pascal] Source line numbers during execution

bartek bbartek at gmx.net
Tue Jul 11 12:51:29 CEST 2006

Graeme Geldenhuys schrieb:
> On 7/11/06, Luiz Americo Pereira Camara <pascalive at bol.com.br> wrote:
>> It works under Linux, it uses Simpleipc for app comunication. I tested
>> it in Ubuntu Dapper Drake. The only issues  i am having are related in
>> Know Issues section.
>> Luiz
> Excellent!  Thanks Luiz...
> Graeme.
Don't know whether you can use it, but this is the function I use for my
stack traces.

procedure csl_log(e: Exception);
  FrameCount:  integer;
  Frames:      PPointer;
  FrameNumber: integer;
  csl_log(1, 'EXCEPTION   ' + e.message); // this csl_log simply is
csl_log(depth: integer; log: string); depth defines the indent in my log
  csl_log(0, 'Class: ' + e.ClassName);
  csl_log(1, 'Stack trace:');
  csl_log(0, BackTraceStrFunc(ExceptAddr));
  FrameCount := ExceptFrameCount;
  Frames := ExceptFrames;
  for FrameNumber := 0 to FrameCount - 1 do csl_log(0,
  csl_log(-1, 'done');
  csl_log(-1, 'catched');

If anything can be made better, feel free to contact me.


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