[fpc-pascal] unit inet... for resolving dns

Lionel Drevon freepascal at adeli.fr
Fri Dec 15 23:56:37 CET 2006

i try the netbd but i found a "bug",i use the testdns.pp provide in the directory of netbd.

hostAddrtostr('www.adeli.fr') give the good answer.
but the
give me 0 result !

i notice that the result for this is provide by dig -x 92  IN      CNAME   4.1-
4.1- 22892 IN PTR   s4.adeli.fr.

For the resolve unit, it's the same, the unit doesn't like an answer of CNAME for the reverse.. only PTR

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Dec 2006, Lionel Drevon wrote:
>> I found in the doc the inet unit, but i don't found it under my system nor on
>> the web
>> on page http://www.freepascal.org/packages/inet.html
>> the link ftp://ftp.freepascal.org/pub/fpc/source/packages.zip seem to be
>> broken!
> Try the netdb or resolve units; the inet unit is severely outdated and is no longer supplied with FPC.
> Michael.
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