[fpc-pascal] Division by Zero - not raised exception

Vinzent Hoefler JeLlyFish.software at gmx.net
Wed Apr 19 07:38:59 CEST 2006

On Tuesday 18 April 2006 17:24, L505 wrote:

> sense to me.). Or maybe you mean a foundation, like a non-profit
> organization? Obviously FPC is not out for profit, but out to help
> the developer. So I can see a non-profit organization working - but
> this would mean that FPC team would spend more time on things like
> Accounting, Lawyers, etc. Look how free software foundation is
> spending time hiring lawyers and etc. for their foundation.

Not to mention that a foundation only works with funding, which means 
money. Especially when we're talking about hiring lawyers. Trust 
me. :-)
And I don't think that there is awful lot of that where we are from.

> it a better compiler. I'm sure lots of people rely on GCC and PHP at
> their jobs every day - and this helps make it better because it must
> be high quality at work, higher quality than just hobby.

Well, well. A lot of people rely on Java on the job and it didn't get 
better yet, did it? ;->

> I use FPC
> for some of my work (websites, misc tools), but not experienced
> enough to be a development team member yet.

And I do not have the time because of work. (Sorry, and yes, I'm still 
looking at the DOS stuff from time to time. But currently there's 
absolutely no chance here...)

>  I'm guessing there are a few others that use FPC in their real jobs.

Yes. But that's just circumstantial luck. The decision between "Grab 
120'000 lines of C++" and "grab 70'000 lines of Turbo Pascal" and make 
it work on a decent system was mine to take.

> If you can't find jobs
> out there that use Pascal then you have to be really brave and start
> your own business and start hiring people with Pascal skills.

Yeah right. Sorry to bring that up again, but if I would do that I would 
never hire people that claim to have such specialized skills. What is 
needed are people who can actually engineer software and that 
particular skill has nothing to do with language skills (of course, if 
all else fails, I'd rather hire a Pascal guy than a "There *are* other 
languages than C?"-guy, because the Pascal guy might grasp the concepts 
much easier).

> How to balance a clash of free vs open vs closed vs commercial?

I'd vote for open source. And you can sell it, basic argumentation goes 
like this: "Even if we are out of business for some reason, you still 
have the source code.".



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