[fpc-pascal] fpc 2.0 and DOM/xml under OS/2 gives me "Processterminated by SIGSEGV"

Søren Ager sorenager at poboxes.com
Thu Sep 15 18:53:51 CEST 2005

On 14-09-05 13.47, Tomas Hajny wrote:

> Well, there are several ways how to do it. Just RTL compilation with debug
> information is done by running "make debug" in the /rtl/os2 source
> directory.

Thanks - I have done that so now I have a rtl with debug info. There is 
one error though:

sysutils.pp(571,22) Error: range check error while evaluating constants

> Alternatively, it would be possible to build the whole thing (e.g.
> including the compiler as well) in usual ZIP files using "make os2zip

I might play around with that some day...

> Implementation of native debugger emulating the GDB interface would
> be probably possible, but is a lot of work. 

It would be nice with a decent debugger - I might have to make one 
myself ;-)

> I asked Allan about the
> possibility to get access to VP/2 debugger sources after he announced end
> of VP life, but he didn't respond to that e-mail, unfortunately. :-(

That would have been awsome



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