[fpc-pascal] building fpc docs
Bob Barry
bobb at absamail.co.za
Sun Oct 30 09:53:27 CET 2005
For a long time I've been unable to build fpc docs from svn. I finally had a
good look at it and came up with an ugly workaround.
Start with a freshly-built svn fpc (with no msg2inc) or rm .../fpc/compiler/msg2inc.
In .../fpcdocs run "make html". It fails with:
cp styles/listings.sty styles/lstdoc.sty styles/lstlang1.sty styles/lstlang2.sty styles/lstlang3.sty styles/lstmisc.sty styles/lstpatch.sty styles/syntax.sty .
make -C ../fpc/compiler msg2inc
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/bobb/freepascal/svn/fpc/compiler'
/usr/bin/ppc386 -Fui386 -Fusystems -Fu../rtl/units/i386-linux -Fii386 -FE. -FUi386/units/i386-linux -di386 -dGDB -dBROWSERLOG -Fux86 -FE. utils/msg2inc.pp
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.0.1 [2005/10/29] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2005 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for i386
Compiling utils/msg2inc.pp
msg2inc.pp(64,3) Note: Local variable "code" is assigned but never used
Linking ./msg2inc
815 Lines compiled, 0.4 sec
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/bobb/freepascal/svn/fpc/compiler'
../fpc/compiler/utils/msg2inc -TE ../fpc/compiler/msg/errore.msg messages.inc
make: ../fpc/compiler/utils/msg2inc: Command not found
make: *** [messages.inc] Error 127
Find msg2inc:
asterix:svn> find fpc -name msg2inc
But fpcdocs Makefile tried to use fpc/compiler/utils/msg2inc, and failed. So in my
build script I added a line to delete "utils/" after unpacking sources:
# copy source to the build directory:
tar -C ${SVNDIR} -cO --exclude .svn fpcdocs | tar -C ${BUILDDIR%/*} -x
# fix makefile:
sed -i '/messages.inc$/s|utils/||' ${BUILDDIR}/Makefile
And it builds OK.
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