[fpc-pascal] strange compiler message

Michalis Kamburelis michalis at camelot.homedns.org
Tue Nov 8 01:33:58 CET 2005

dhkblaszyk at zeelandnet.nl wrote:
> Hi,
> When I want to compile a unit, I get a strange error message:
> Warning: Comment level 2 found
> The lines involved do contain comments that use brackets {}.
> Anybody any ideas what might be causing the compiler messages??

"Comment level 2 found" is only a warning, so I guess that you get some 
error message further. "Comment level 2 found" means that you triggered 
nested comments mechanism. In FPC in objfpc (and fpc and probably some 
others) modes, comments can be nested, which means that e.g.

   {$mode objfpc} { { } begin end.

*is not* a valid Pascal program. But in Delphi mode, e.g.

   {$mode delphi} { { } begin end.

*is* a valid program.

In other words: what you want is probably to just compile your unit in 
delphi mode, so that nested comments are off.


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