[fpc-pascal] Asm

Florian Klaempfl florian at freepascal.org
Sat Nov 5 11:21:48 CET 2005

Carsten Bager wrote:

> The below Pascal code cannot compile with ARM Pascal 
> compiler. If I use $EFFFF034 as constant it compiles. I am 

Just checked with 2.1.1, probably a bug in 2.0.0 which has been fixed

c:\fpc>type testarm.pp
  VICDefVectAddr : Pointer Absolute $FFFFF034;

Procedure UartInterrupt;

  VICDefVectAddr := @UartInterrupt;

c:\fpc>c:\fpc\compiler\arm\pp -Fuc:\fpc\rtl\units\arm-linux
-Fuc:\fpc\fcl\units\arm-linux testarm.pp -Sd -XParm-linux- -vi
Target OS: Linux for ARM
Compiling testarm.pp
Assembling program
Linking testarm
10 Lines compiled, 0.0 sec

> trying to write some assembler in the Pascal source code (to 
> get around this error), could someone give me a hint how to 
> write the line:
>   VICDefVectAddr := @UartInterrupt;
> in assembler.
> Regards Carsten
> -------------------------
> Var
>   VICDefVectAddr : Pointer Absolute $FFFFF034;
> Procedure UartInterrupt;
> begin
> end;
> Begin
>   VICDefVectAddr := @UartInterrupt;
> End.
> ---- Assembler sorce code ---------------------------
> # [212] VICDefVectAddr := @UartInterrupt;{ holds address at what 
> routine for servicing non-vectored IRQs (i.e. UART1 and I2C) starts }
>         ldr     r0,.L68
>         ldr     r1,.L69
>         str     r0,[r1]
> --------------------------------------
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