[fpc-pascal] Re: fpc Makefiles

Bob Barry bobb at absamail.co.za
Fri Feb 11 08:21:51 CET 2005

On Thursday 10 February 2005 18:15, I wrote:
> At the of the top fpc Makefile, it says:
>    Don't edit, this file is generated by FPCMake Version 1.9.8 [2005/02/07]
> How and when does that generation get done?
I found fpcmake.  I would have found it sooner if the message at the top of the
top Makefile had not capitalized the first four letters of its name.  Pascal is not
case sensitive, but unix "find" _is_.  The message uses "TitleDate"; if it were
changed to use "lowercase(TitleDate)", the message would be more accurate.

Are the makefiles in cvs kept up-to-date, or should users run fpcmake after
updating from cvs?

> All of the Makefiles use "TAROPT=vI" to compress with bzip; the gnu tar
> changefile indicates that "I" was superseded by "j" on 2000-10-23.  The
> attached patch changes all "vI" to "vj".
The "vI" comes from fpcmake; the attached simple patch fixes it.


Bob Barry
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