[fpc-pascal] getting XML element's value using dom.pp unit

Tony Pelton tpelton at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 16:16:18 CET 2005

i'm going to speak out of turn here ...

i've got a ton of XML experience ... on Java.

I haven't used the Pascal DOM, but i'm guessing i know what the issue
is, because it is a common point of confusion for people who don't
know XML DOM frameworks well.

i of course may end up being completely off base.

assuming you had a node in the document like :

<anode>my node value</anode>

i think you are going to find that "my node value" is not the
NodeValue() of <anode>, but is the NodeValue() of a _child_ of

so you have to step one deeper into the DOM.

i think ...


PS. also, including a sample of the XML document, along with the code
is usually helpful.

On 12/7/05, Bisma Jayadi <bisma at brawijaya.ac.id> wrote:
> Hi all...
> What did I do wrong? Or am I missing something about the dom.pp usage? Here are
> the codes I used...

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