[fpc-pascal] Path, Search Path and Source Path

listmember listmember at letterboxes.org
Mon Dec 5 22:09:45 CET 2005

Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Mon, 05 Dec 2005 01:12:57 +0200
> listmember <listmember at letterboxes.org> wrote:
>> Here's the relevant part of modified fpc.cfg. Can someone help?
>> # searchpath for includefiles
>> # release them only if you know what you do
>> # because this could cause a rebuild of the runtime library
>> # if you tell them compiler/ide to build the project (FK)
>> #-FiC:\FreePascal-2.1.1/source/rtl/inc;C:\FreePascal-2.1.1/source/rtl/i386
>> -FiC:\FreePascal-2.1.1\lazarus\lcl
>> -FiC:\FreePascal-2.1.1\lazarus\lcl\include
>> -FiC:\FreePascal-2.1.1/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/win32
>> -FiC:\FreePascal-2.1.1\lazarus\lcl\widgetset\
>> # searchpath for objectfiles
>> #-FoC:\FreePascal-2.1.1/source/rtl/inc;C:\FreePascal-2.1.1/source/rtl/i386
>> -FoC:\FreePascal-2.1.1\lazarus\lcl
>> -FoC:\FreePascal-2.1.1\lazarus\lcl\include
>> -FoC:\FreePascal-2.1.1/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/win32
>> -FoC:\FreePascal-2.1.1\lazarus\lcl\widgetset\
>> # searchpath for units and other system dependent things
>> -FuC:\FreePascal-2.1.1/units/$FPCTARGET/
>> -FuC:\FreePascal-2.1.1/units/$FPCTARGET/*
>> -FuC:\FreePascal-2.1.1/units/$FPCTARGET/rtl
>> -FuC:\FreePascal-2.1.1\lazarus\lcl
>> -FuC:\FreePascal-2.1.1\lazarus\lcl\include
>> -FuC:\FreePascal-2.1.1/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/win32
>> -FuC:\FreePascal-2.1.1\lazarus\lcl\widgetset\
> Remove all lazarus paths. Keep only the three $FPCTARGET paths.

That is how it was originally.

But, then, when I tried to build/compile even a blank project in Lazarus,
I was getting 'Unable to find Interfaces' or something to that effect.

The thing is, I haven't been able to find a suitable place in Lazarus
to add the source and search paths information.

That left me with the only alternative of adding this stuff into fpc.cfg

It works --to the extent that now I can compile things.

The trouble is, it compiles everthing in those paths --into my projects
working directory-- everytime I chose to 'build all'.. This is inelegant,
and very messy.

There seems to be something I am missing. Question is what and where.

> If you want to compile without the Lazarus IDE, you can add

I do want to use Lazarus.

> -FuC:\FreePascal-2.1.1\lazarus\lcl\units\$FPCTARGET\
> -FuC:\FreePascal-2.1.1\lazarus\lcl\units\$FPCTARGET\win32

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