[fpc-pascal] Remote FreePascal compile service, feedback requested

dhkblaszyk at zeelandnet.nl dhkblaszyk at zeelandnet.nl
Mon Dec 5 21:47:34 CET 2005

One thing I would like to add to the discussion is support for the LCL.
Dunno if it was explicitly the puurpose to do that already, but I thought
I should mention it anyway.


> We (still) use FreePascal quite a bit in our first/second-year education,
> in particular, in <PEACH.win.tue.nl>, our Programming Education And
> Contest Hosting verification system.
> I was thinking of adding a remote FreePascal service along the following
> lines.  You go to its web interface, browse for your source files
> (possibly a whole zip archive) on your local machine, enter command-line
> options, and let our server compile your stuff with a (selectable)
> version of fpc (under Linux), then you get back the results (possibly
> also in a zip archive).  Mabye we can support cross compiles as well.
> Why do this?  Because that way people can use/try FreePascal without
> installing anything.
> Furthermore, we plan to support several versions of FreePascal in
> parallel.  That way, it may also be useful to the FreePascal community.
> E.g. when diagnosing a problem.
> Here are some questions:
>   1.  Do you think this service would be useful?
>   2.  Do you think the interface described above is good enough?
>       Suggestions for refinements would be appreciated.
>   3.  Are there any security risks that we may have overlooked?
>       Of course, we will impose certain limitation to avoid resource
>       hogging.  But maybe there are ways to put together a malicious
>       source file that makes the compiler misbehave ...
>   4.  Whatever else comes to your mind ...
> Best regards,
> 	Tom Verhoeff
> --
> E-MAIL: T.Verhoeff @ TUE.NL     | Fac. of Math. & Computing Science
> PHONE:  +31 40 247 41 25        | Eindhoven University of Technology
> FAX:    +31 40 247 54 04        | PO Box 513, NL-5600 MB Eindhoven
> http://www.win.tue.nl/~wstomv/  | The Netherlands
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