[fpc-pascal] Re: confirm 7ee8cb55777a34d60501ace9d48fd22e1e5cc429

Michał Woźniak mikiwoz at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Apr 1 20:53:46 CEST 2005

Dnia piątek, 1 kwietnia 2005 11:50, Mindaugas Indriunas napisał:
> I would like to understand better how the Lazarus Freepascal works.
> Is there any free working software that is written purely in Lazarus
> Freepascal,
> the sourcecode of which I could download and study?

Eeerr... I would suggest reading the forum (and maybe re-posting this question 
there?) at www.lazarus.freepascal.org
There are lots of people writing in Laz/FPC (including myself), just ask them 
and they will send you some code, you can be sure of that. :)
(I am currently writing a command-line app, so, though developed in Laz, it 
won't be of much use to you, I presume).


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