[fpc-pascal]Compiling problem

Jim Wilson jawilson at ix.netcom.com
Wed Jun 23 22:54:12 CEST 2004

At 03:35 PM 6/23/2004, you wrote:
>Use -vu to see the reason why it wants to recompile the unit

Okay, -vu give me this:

Load from SI (implementation) unit SYSWIN32
PPU Name: c:\fpc\units\win32\rtl\syswin32.ppw
PPU Time: 2004/06/22 23:20:38
PPU Flags: 12497
PPU Crc: 375220168
PPU Crc: 71143866 (intfc)
PPU Check file c:\fpc\units\win32\rtl\libpsyswin32.aw time 2004/06/22 23:20:36
Recompiling unit, static lib is older than ppufile
si.pas(56,1) Fatal: Can't find unit SYSWIN32

 From that output I was able to determine the problem. And do you know what 
that problem was? Seems as though pkzip changed the dates on the unzipped 
files, and this was somehow screwing up FPC. Once I reset the dates on all 
the files in the FPC directory to the same date the compiler returned with 
-iD everything started working again!

So I think I'm all set. Thanks for the help...

Jim Wilson

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