[fpc-pascal]Re: Behavior of system.New procedure

Luiz Américo pascalive at bol.com.br
Sat Jul 3 19:25:33 CEST 2004

Jeff Pohlmeyer wrote:
>>>After allocating a new instance for Arec with New proc,
>>>the record fields (APointer and Aint) will be always 
>>>zero filled or will receive random values?
>>You must do as if it contains the most unexpected data, 
>>and therefore initialise the fields *yourself*, and the
>>safer is to do it the quicker.
> As a shortcut to initialize all fields to zero (or nil)
> you can just do this:
>   New(ARec);
>   FillChar(ARec^, SizeOf(TRec), #0);

Thanks for the responses.


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