[fpc-pascal]Linker error with OpenGL and SDL (long message)

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Mon Oct 27 12:21:07 CET 2003

> Marco, the link.res seems to be o.k . It looks like this: 
> SEARCH_DIR(/usr/lib/)
> SEARCH_DIR(/usr/X11R6/lib/)
> SEARCH_DIR(/usr/local/lib/)
> SEARCH_DIR(/usr/local/lib/fpc/1.0.10/units/freebsd/rtl/)
> SEARCH_DIR(/usr/local/lib/fpc/1.0.10/units/freebsd/SDL4Freepascal-
> etc. 

Hmm, I ssh'ed to some FreeBSD box with SDL installed, and it seems that
FreeBSD names the libraries SDL-x.y

Simply do a 

cd /usr/local/lib
ln -s libSDL-x.y.so  libSDL.so

Maybe you need to do that for the other libSDL-*.so files too.
(x.y=1.1 on my system)

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