[fpc-pascal]Trivial Graphics on Linux?

Rainer Hantsch rainer at hantsch.co.at
Tue Oct 21 11:57:31 CEST 2003


I am interested in a demo which does really trivial graphics on LINUX,
compiles fine with FPC 1.0.4, and does basically that what a normal
TurboPascal for DOS can do with its graph unit.

Because Linux uses X11, it would be perfect when everything would work in X11,
with a subset of X11 (open application in a window, allocate the whole window
as one graphics area, and then set/reset pixels as the DOS counterpart does.

Does somebody have code for that? It is definitely not my target to start with
a complete GTK environment. This is bady supported in procedural programming
mode and causes an extreme overhead. Having a simple pixel-array which can be
accessed by using the ordinary fpc graph unit would be perfect.


  Ing. Rainer Hantsch

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