[fpc-pascal]MySQL 4.0 Files

Bernhard Steffen bernhard.steffen at gmx.net
Wed Oct 8 23:29:00 CEST 2003

IIRC, besides adding new data fields, they even changed the field order 
(!) in their communication structs between minor versions like from 3.22 
to 3.23 - breaking the fpc mysql units every couple of month. Not very 
programmer friendly...

Rainer Hantsch wrote:
> But why not include at least two mysql units to the distribution, i.e.
> 'mysql_3' and 'mysql_4'?
> This will allow developers to insert a
> uses {$IFDEF MYSQL_4}mysql_4{$ELSE}mysql_3{$ENDIF}

that's what I tried when porting the old 3.21 (?) unit to version 3.23 
some time ago. But you'll end up with a lot of defined at their release 
(and change!) rate ;-(


bernhard.steffen at gmx.net

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