[fpc-pascal]General Question on code optimization...

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Tue Oct 7 20:49:27 CEST 2003

> On Tue, 7 Oct 2003, Marco van de Voort wrote:
> | I think the best thing would be to find out what exactly hinders newer
> | FPC versions, make a few mods and compile a matching version locally.
> Are you talking about compiling a local FPC version, or about changing the
> mysql unit?

Having the _current_ version of FPC work on tha machine.

> I never compiled my own FPC in the past and I am not really happy with the
> thought to start with that. :-/
> But back to the basic question:
> Shouldn't FreePascal automatically skip all code which is not required/used?
> Especially in a procedural environment it should be relatively easy to find
> out at compile time, which functions/procedures are used or not.

In general yes, see Peter's answer.

 But if you'd include mysql3 and mysql4 initialisation for both versions
would be done, and you effectively would require (mysql3 AND mysql4) not
(mysql3 OR mysql4)

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