
Adam Naumowicz adamn at math.uwb.edu.pl
Fri May 30 12:47:21 CEST 2003


Where can I find detailed information about all the predefined Exception
classes and their semantics?
I found it a bit surprising that byte-variable overflow does not raise
I'm using FPC 1.0.6 (with -Co on the command line).

Best regards,
Adam Naumowicz

Department of Applied Logic            fax. +48 (85) 745-7662
Institute of Computer Science          tel. +48 (85) 745-7559 (office)
University of Bialystok                e-mail: adamn at mizar.org
Sosnowa 64, 15-887 Bialystok, Poland   http://math.uwb.edu.pl/~adamn/

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