[fpc-pascal]GetMem crazy problem

Alan Mead cubrewer at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 10 21:37:32 CEST 2003


I did not follow your example, but are you aware of the "growing
heap" behavior of FreePascal and the ReturnNilGrowHeapFails variable?


Also, I think this ReturnNilGrowHeapFails behavior is broken in 1.0.6
and fixed in 1.0.7 (which, I think, is not available yet).

But I don't know why you get RTE 201?  (You should be getting 203 or
216 or something)


--- Eduardo Morras <nec556 at ave128.retena.es> wrote:
> Hello:
>          I've got a weird problem with getmem. I have check
> everything (i 
> think) but i can't get it work. Heaptrc says it's all ok, but when
> i 
> de-comment the next three lines ( the freemem also ),  all fails
>       GetMem(sDicc,sizeof(rtBusqBidimen));
>       GetMem(ppmv,sizeof(rtMotionVector));
>       GetMem(nDicc,sizeof(rtBusqBidimen));
>       if (sDicc<>nil) AND (nDicc<>nil) AND (ppmv<>nil) then
>          writeln('MAS MEMORIA PARA VECTORMOTION') // Chequeo de
> memoria 
>         {More Memory for VECTORMOTION //NITIAL memory check}
>       else begin
> ......
> The sizes are 14,8,14, MemAvail says near 48Mb and MaxAvail 47'5. I
> tried  to put them in the program vars (they are in a function),
> change the 
> sizeof (which print on screen 14,8,14) to it's values re-type for a
> misspelling error. Their declartions at var are
> nDicc,sDicc       : prtBusqBidimen;  // p= point r= record t= type
> BusqDimen
> ppmv                 : prtMotionVector;  // id. MotionVector
> When skip the if (sDicc<>nil)... a runtime error 201 appears
> what's the next step??
> Any clues??
> Las personas se dividen en tres grupos, los que saben contar y los
> que no.
>       There are three groups of people, who can count, and who
> cannot.
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