[fpc-pascal]How to use Linux libraries?

Michael Van Canneyt michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be
Fri Jul 25 10:35:40 CEST 2003

On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, Rainer Hantsch wrote:

> Hi, Marco!
> On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, Marco van de Voort wrote:
> | Howrever the site is still up:
> |
> | http://www.nomssi.de/pasjpeg/pasjpeg.html
> I know this site, and I know 'pasjpeg' from its name. I tried multiple times
> to get it working, but I always had the same problems, it does not compile.
> In the silent hope that this "toolbox" may have changed in the last year, I
> downloaded version 1.1 today.
> Well, the author still has some "problems" with upper/lowercase in his ZIP's
> (everything extract as uppercase, but he references the files in lowercase
> inside his code), a typical identification that the files were created in a
> DOS environment. So I am not surprised that the code is primarily for WINDOWS
> and does not compile on Linux. :-/

It uses some windows bitmap structures, and cannot be compiled on Linux as is.
For the rest it compiles 100% fine. You could cut&paste the needed
definitions from the windows unit and put them between
{$ifndef win32}..{$endif}

But you will not find it to your liking. Contrary to my earlier
statement (based on the paszlib units) it is not TP style, but uses
Delphi style to do the streaming.


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