Internal error 8888 (was Re: [fpc-pascal]Strange Segfault...)

Alan Mead cubrewer at
Mon Jul 14 20:31:28 CEST 2003

--- James Mills <prologic at> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 14, 2003 at 06:48:06AM -0700, Alan Mead wrote:
> > I'm running into this string problem as well.  I'd like to use
> > strings longer than 255 but I get strange errors like:
> > 

> I believe there is a compiler switch.

If there is, I cannot find it. {$H} does nothing and I re-read the
portion of the docs that deal with the sting types again and I don't
see what I'm doing wrong.  

If I declare "stmp: ansiString;" then the executable compiles and
links fine but the strings don't actually work.  For example, I
"readln(txt,stmp);" and stmp only receives the first 255 columns of
the file.


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