[fpc-pascal]Debugging FPC

Peter Vreman peter at freepascal.org
Sat Aug 23 17:39:49 CEST 2003

> On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 04:51:27PM +0200, jonas at freepascal.org wrote:
>> Of course, I forgot that the RTL we distribute doesn't contain symbol
>> information. Go to the rtl/linux sources directory (I don't know offhand
>> where the sources are installed under Linux), type "make OPT="-g", and
>> then compile your program with -Fu<path_to_rtl_you_just_compiled>. Now
>> it
>> will link to an rtl with full debug information and you will be able to
>> place breakpoints in the rtl.
> Ahhhh, now all is clear to me! lol.
> I'm using Debian (sarge) and the source is not distributed with the FPC
> packages.
> It may look like I might have to remove all of FPC and compile and
> install the whole thing myself to get all the features I need ;)
> Any other Debian users on this mailing list with some advice ?

You can leave the debian fpc packages installed and install an own
compiled fpc version in /usr/local or in your home dir.

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