AW: [fpc-pascal]what Programming Environment : Editor & Debugger

ZINTEL Gerhard gzintel at
Fri Aug 8 08:26:53 CEST 2003

> > lazarus
> That's OK but you need the Lazarus flavour of FPC. Is there no
> alternative? I'd like something like the DOS Qedit but 
> everyone seems to
> be writing GUI IDE's or text editors.

I use Nedit for editing and ddd as a good front end for gdb, the debugger.
There is a hack from Jeff Pohlmeyer, he called it NE4FPC, that launches
Nedit, let you be able to compile out of the editor and jumps to the place
of compilation errors if any showing the messages in  a box. But I don't
know if he is willing to share it (you can find his address anywhere on this
"discuss at" forum).


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