[fpc-pascal]GIF 87a/89a

James Mills prologic at comcen.com.au
Wed Nov 20 02:16:25 CET 2002

On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 03:35:11PM +0000, memsom at interalpha.co.uk wrote:
> > If The game could load ALL images at the start (true for a space invader),
> > there is not so much problem. But in the case of a very large 3D environment
> > where textures are loaded as needed, it could be OK if LoadOfCompressedImage
> > + TimeToDecompress <= LoadOfUncompressedImage.
> This may be a good time to mention SDL. There is a Jedi port of it to Pascal. I 
> used to work with Domonique Louis the guy who did the Windows side, and iirc he 
> wanted to improve support FPC. That was 6 months ago, so I assume things may 
> have moved on a tad by now. The URL to his site is 
> http://www.savagesoftware.com.au/DelphiGamer/indexf.php
> There is good genearl gaming stuff there.
> And looking at his site, it seems there is an SDL download for FPC at:
> http://www.grulic.org.ar/~dmoisset/files/SDL4Freepascal-
> Hope than helps you some. SDL is a far better solution. 
> Matt

SDL, or OpenGL ? I've looked around a bit to see what'd be the best
library to use. I've decided with SVGALib for now...

Oh and btw, thanks so much guys for all your input. The only couple of
games I've made are in Intel Assembly on an old DOS machine I have lying
next to this one :P


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