[fpc-pascal]Win32 API function problem?

James_Wilson at i2.com James_Wilson at i2.com
Tue Mar 19 21:12:23 CET 2002

Not sure if the subject is right, but I didn't know what else to call this 

I'm writing a program to use the Win32 API function WriteConsoleOutput. 
The test program compiles fine, without warnings or errors, but nothing 
gets displayed (the source is attached). I've spent the last 2 hours 
trying to figure it out, but no luck. So, I tried compiling it with TMT 
and VP, and it works perfectly with both of them! I'm using "Free Pascal 
Compiler version 1.1 [2002/02/15] for i386". Did I find a bug, or am I 
doing something wrong here.


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