
Aitor SantamarĂ­a Merino aitors at imaff.cfmac.csic.es
Mon Jun 10 15:41:29 CEST 2002


A couple of questions about the linux compiler that I have remembered 
just now:

(1)  In (at least older) versions of the Linux compiler I have seen that 
the compilation process has an additional phase,
Compiling ...
(if I recall correctly the order). Does this mean that the compiler 
produces code for x86 for Linux platform, and that the code is then 
assembled and linked using thrid party apps? Is assembler code produced 
for other platforms, like GO32?

(2) If I want to produce programs in order to use X, I have seen that 
there's the X-forms. Do we have units to link directly to X libraries? I 
would like to use something like a Graphics unit (PutPixel, etc.) under 
X (also avoiding using Lazarus, or in general, avoiding linking code to 
a windowmanager).


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