[fpc-pascal][fpc-devel]FreeBSD snapshots (IDE incl.) uploaded

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Tue Feb 5 11:17:40 CET 2002

Note: I post this to fpc-pascal(unlike usual snapshot announcements), because
a critical bug was fixed, and because FreeBSD snapshot use is perfered at 
the moment above the release. This will stop after 1.0.6

I just uploaded new snapshots of FreeBSD 1.0.5 and 1.1 to the main FTP site,
because of requests and a critical bug.

I also uploaded a FreeBSD IDE 1.0.5 snapshot that is somewhat improved to
run on the text console. This IDE also contains the GDB V5 branch CVS
snapshot from Jan 7th.

The critical bug was (again) a problem with readdir, under certain (quite
rare) circumstances, readdir wouldn't return the last file in a directory.

Besides affecting FindFirst/FindNext this also affects the relative path
expansion with FExpand().

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