memsom at post.interalpha.co.uk
Wed May 9 11:21:28 CEST 2001
Quoting Michael Van Canneyt <michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be>:
> > FPC could be used to put FreeCLX onto platforms not yet supported by
> Borland
> > (BSD etc.)
> AFAIK, some german is trying to get Kylix to work on BSD.
Now that I'd like to se.. Solaris too.
> >
> > > You can use CVS to download the FreeCLX. I have a copy. If you look
> at the
> > > bug list you'll also see a series of bugs I submitted, some of them
> quite
> > > basic.
> >
> > Only looked at it really quickly.. nothing in the Files section.
> I know, you need to pull the files directly with CVS. Instructions are
> found
> on their page.
Did it last night. The bug list isn't too high!!??!! I've seen much worse,
believe me!! ;)
> Maybe, but better do some work to get it ready first ...
The more info the better to be honest ;)
> I use SuSE 7.1, and the installer beats anything else I have seen,
> including
> various Windows versions. But that is my personal opinion.
Mandrakes installer beats suse.. at least the last suse I used.
> Not missing much ? No reporting, No midware, no apache stuff ? This is
> why people would buy Kylix ! You don't need kylix for a small app with
> 3 edits and a memo, you need kylix for the more serious work.
You get the server edition for all that stuff.. To be honest, giving away the
DB controls with the basic version is 'very unlike Borland'.
> SOAP and XML are nice in the D6 version, but the Kylix version is far
> from what
> D5 professional/enterprise offers...
I had this discussion the other day with a fellow co-worker. What's the point
in having slick technologically advanced controls if the compiler sucks?? I'd
rather get a rock solid compiler and IDE before I get a whole lot of extra
stuff on top.
As for your crashes.. The Borland released GlibC patches are notoriously bad.
Did you try the official ones from Suse? A lot of the crashes go onece you do
> This definitely conflicts with what I have _seen_ when I was at
> Borland.
> Maybe he was talking about the compiler and IDE, but the VCL needs lots
> of work and I doubt this can be done by 1-2 persons on average.
But the VCL/CLX is common across the C++ Builder/Delphi/Kylix toolset, so that
doesn't really count as pure *Delphi* development.
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