[fpc-pascal]inputs, differents between DOS and Linux

stefan steeve133 at web.de
Tue Mar 20 08:55:54 CET 2001

Dear friends,

i have a problem with some inputs under fpc.
I wrote the programs how under Turbo Pascal (Dos), but i do not know,
why the inputs can not be modified.
Here is one example:

program test123;

uses crt;

var name    : string[20];

gotoxy(3,3);writeln('Please enter your name: ');


If i put in the name, i have to do it very correctly, because i cannot
use the key how BACKSPACE or DELETE to modify a sign.

What can i do?


Stefan Hintermeier, steeve133 at web.de   steeve133 at gmx.de

* Stefan Hintermeier, look at www.zuseworld.de                 *
* write under steeve133 at web.de                                 *
* Planet earth - Germany - Bavaria                             *

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