[fpc-pascal]HELP: how to port/recreate the WIN.TPU in a LINUX envirorment!

Stefan Becker becker at lufa-sp.vdlufa.de
Thu Mar 1 16:42:32 CET 2001

I am trying to move a number of my applications to freepascal and would need
some advise as how to implement a UNIT that can create/save/restore windows

In the past I have used Borlands WIN.TPU unit for DOS to make Windows frames
restore the old DOS windows.

Is there a library function that does the same for a terminal window in
The YaST installer for SuSe uses just the kind of "Window" overlaying that I
would like to use.

Can someone point me to some package or document for doing this.

Worst_Case: is there a function call to "Get" the charater at a specific
            display position from a linux terminal?

Thx and
my regards,

LUFA Speyer (EDV)
email: becker at lufa-sp.vdlufa.de
tel  : +49 (0)6232-629542
fax  : +49 (0)6232-629544

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