[fpc-pascal]RE: FreePascal installation for OS2 / accessing PostgreSQL database

XHajT03 at mbox.vol.cz XHajT03 at mbox.vol.cz
Thu Jun 7 20:54:55 CEST 2001

Date sent:      	Fri, 25 May 2001 09:01:57 +0200
From:           	SchiSchi <schischi at bigfoot.de>
To:             	arneh at enitel.no
Copies to:      	fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org
Subject:        	[fpc-pascal]RE: FreePascal installation for OS2 / accessing PostgreSQL database
Send reply to:  	fpc-pascal at deadlock.et.tudelft.nl

> get a client interface to PostgreSQL working under OS2 using the
> written Pascal units. But I've bad luck. Something is (or I'm doing)
> wrong. EMX, the Postgres-DLL (PQ.DLL) and my unit (imports PQ.DLL
> functions) does not work together somehow.
> Also delivered sample units for FreePascal and VPascal I do not get
> running. Somewhere a file "c.a" is requested, I do not have. Using the

 This is due to {$LINKLIB C} - that one is mostly for *nix platforms. 
There's no support for OS/2 in the delivered interface units, because 
there's nobody to work on it and test it. Basically, you should only 
need to add an IFDEF around this line and use cdecl for all imported 
functions if it's missing somewhere.

> other compiler (and sample) I get the result "Connection terminated by
> SIGSEV" (from EMX).

 You should probably compile with debug info and try debugging it 
using PMGDB (distributed with FPC). That should help you to locate 
the problem.

                        Have a nice day

                             Tomas Hajny, XHajT03 at mbox.vol.cz on Internet
                                          XHajT03 at click.cz in urgent cases

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