[fpc-pascal]Glade - the GTK+ Gui Builder

Alexander Stohr AlexanderS at ati.com
Wed Jul 25 02:51:20 CEST 2001


Is there any FreePascal (or at least some ObjectPascal or gpc)
export filter support known for the XML files which can 
be made by use of the glade application?

glade is some advanced GTK+ gui builder. Its a tool that is 
partially comparaeble to the  features of MS-VC environment.

Sorry if that is a dumb question which is mentioned in
some FAQ or already answered in some Dokumentation.
I am really not up to date with current FPC developments 
any more. Anyways, i am still in progress with finding
a viable solution for my previous question concerning
"writing portable software" interconnected to some database.

If there is no support like queried above, then thats not
a total problem but i might have to turn over to C for some
while. Thats not a personal problem and a few involved folks 
would rather have less problems if using C rahter than Pascal.

Regards AlexS.

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