[fpc-pascal]FPC on the press

Michael Van Canneyt michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be
Thu Jul 12 08:40:49 CEST 2001

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Matti Hamalainen wrote:

> On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Matt Emson wrote:
> > > 4. FPC comes with GTK units. Even with the announced support of GTK on
> > future releases of Kylix, it will generate fatter apps because of the CLX
> > overhead (Lazarus clone of CLX has lower overhed by design than borland CLX)
> >
> > QT has a better object model that GTK that suited the VCL more closely.

I don't think this has anything to do with it. The GTK object model is fine.
The difference is that Qt is backed up by a company, which can be asked for
help and which is a central instance to whom requests can be made.

Borland is a company that must make money, so these kinds of arguments also
weigh heavily on architectural decisions.

>  KDE
> > supports QT better than GTK (at the time Kylix was being developed - this
> > may have changed.. I doubt it has though.) KDE is in many ways the desktop
> > of choice. It was a simple design choice.
> Somewhat off-topic, but: Is the Kylix's CLX tied to KDE?

No. You can perfectly run Qt apps in any desktop; Any window manager will do.

> I don't like at all to be tied to some wannabe-windows-desktop-lameness ;)
> if I ever have to develop some commercial stuff with Kylix.
> If it only requires Qt, then I'm OK with it (although I like Gtk+
> better for it's better themeability ;), but if it requires KDE .. yuck!

It only requires Qt.


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