[fpc-pascal]win32 compiler bug?

James_Wilson at i2.com James_Wilson at i2.com
Wed Jan 3 14:42:45 CET 2001

I may have found a problem in the repeat functionality with readkey() in
version 1.0.4 (at least that's where I *think* the problem is anyway).

Compile the attached program using go32v2 and hold down any of the four
listed keys (uparrow, downarrow, pgup, pgdn). Notice how the numbers
increment smoothly. Now, compile it for win32 and do the same thing; the
numbers won't increment until after you've taken your finger off the key --
there's no more "auto-repeat" functionality. This didn't happen for win32
targets using the 1.0.2 compiler.


Jim Wilson

(See attached file: Keys.pas)
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