[Rhide-users] Re: [fpc-pascal]Re: New GDB version 5.1 available

Maurice Lombardi Maurice.Lombardi at ujf-grenoble.fr
Mon Dec 17 21:45:36 CET 2001

Pierre Muller wrote:

> At 21:29 15/12/2001 , Maurice Lombardi a écrit:
>>No capitalization at all for Ctrl-F4 (Evaluate/Modify)

> Capitalization should only be a problem for records,
> for normal variables, the search goes the following way:
> if I type 
> (gdb) print TestVariable
> inside gdb when current language is pascal.
>   1) Search for a global (or static) symbol  'TestVariable' as typed.
>   2) Search for the all capitalized version 'TESTVARIABLE'.
>   3) Search for the GPC version 'Testvariable'.
> And finally, restore the as typed version if none of the three is found.
>    The problem is that for fields of a record, the type of the record just parsed is
> not remembered, so that the field isn't found...
> But for normal variables all should work fine.

Very fine, it solves the problem that in a gpc pascal file one can refer to

C variables, case sensitive, through "AsmName"
But this is a more recent version than those I use, both in GDB-5.1
and in Rhide

>     Which sources should I get? Apparently there are now two versions on the net...
Of what ? Rhide ? Ask to Robert. You can access his CVS tree, but avoid duplicate efforts !


        Maurice Lombardi
Laboratoire de  Spectrometrie Physique,
Universite Joseph Fourier de Grenoble, BP87
38402 Saint Martin d'Heres Cedex     FRANCE
Tel: 33 (0)4 76 51 47 51
Fax: 33 (0)4 76 63 54 95
mailto:Maurice.Lombardi at ujf-grenoble.fr

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