[fpc-pascal]Re: New GDB version 5.1 available
Maurice Lombardi
Maurice.Lombardi at ujf-grenoble.fr
Sat Dec 15 21:29:56 CET 2001
Andris Pavenis wrote:
> On Saturday 15 December 2001 12:47, Maurice Lombardi wrote:
>>Pierre Muller wrote:
>>> This is just to inform people that
>>>GDB 5.1 was released.
>>>* Support for debugging Pascal programs.
>>> - unlike Pascal, GDB is case-sensitive for symbol names.
>>Do you plan to do something for that ?
>>I use gdb nearly only through Rhide.
>>We can ask to Robert to capitalize identifiers in the gpc or fpc
>>style (somebody already asked him). It will be necessary to
>>take somehow into account the nature (C or Pascal) of the module in which
>>these identifiers are defined (gpc can call C routines).
>>It is useless for him to do that in the rhide interface if GDB already
> I haven't looked in details what Robert has done, but as far as I saw he
> has included a better support of GDB-5.1 in current CVS version of RHIDE
> in comparission with one I used in Anyway my build of rhide-
> is built using GDB-5.1. I don't know about support of debugging Pascal
> programs. It's possible one still has to enter identifiers in upercase. I
> haven't tested that
I have downloaded and built GDB-5.1 (GNU version) for djgpp to compare.
There is no capitalization in GDB-5.1
in (and was the same in 1.4.9), there seems to be some experimentation.
No capitalization at all for Ctrl-F4 (Evaluate/Modify)
As expected Change do not work: the GDB windows shows the command
set variable N=3
(instead of set variable:=3 for pascal).
FPC capitalisation for Ctrl-F7 (Watch), i.e. ALL UPPERCASE
for gpc in should be Only First Letter Uppercase.
It is possible to select one or other depending whether
Option/Environment/preference/Use FPC Compiler
is checked or not.
Otherwise the syntax seems to be much more natural for a Pascal programmer.
So I am very interested to see the progresses in this work.
Maurice Lombardi
Laboratoire de Spectrometrie Physique,
Universite Joseph Fourier de Grenoble, BP87
38402 Saint Martin d'Heres Cedex FRANCE
Tel: 33 (0)4 76 51 47 51
Fax: 33 (0)4 76 63 54 95
mailto:Maurice.Lombardi at ujf-grenoble.fr
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