[fpc-pascal] setting path variable

andrew mejia mejia_linux at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Dec 6 20:19:27 CET 2001


thanks for taking the time to explain this...  i 
didn't see any documentation regarding it.

i am an old user of Turbo Pascal, way back in 1993/4.

also, i am actually more familiar and comfortable with
unix / linux commandline, but am learning DOS...

thanks for your help!


 --- Jonas Maebe <jonas at zeus.rug.ac.be> wrote: > 
> On woensdag, december 5, 2001, at 09:04 , andrew
> mejia wrote:
> > i'm running the win32 ver of this pascal app and
> am
> > not sure how to set the path as mentioned by the
> > install program in DOS command-line.  how is this
> > achieved..?
> Since you are not very comfortable with the command
> line, I would advise 
> against using it. You're better off with an IDE
> (Integrated Development 
> Environment) probably. FPC comes with one (fp.exe,
> it in the 
> pp\bin\win32 directory). There are also third-party
> ones available, have 
> a look at the "links" section on our website.
> If you really want to use the command line version
> of the compiler, edit 
> you c:\autoexec.bat file and look for a line
> containing "PATH=". If 
> there is one, add ";c:\pp\bin\win32" to it. If there
> isn't one, add a 
> line containing "PATH=%PATH%;c:\pp\bin\win32".
> > i have just installed the software but can't seem
> to
> > run it...
> The command line compiler is called ppc386.exe. You
> run it using
> ppc386 filename.pas
> where filename.pas is the pascal source file you
> want to compile. This 
> file is a normal textfile and can be created/edited
> using any "normal" 
> text editor (i.e. not by MS Word, but e.g. by
> NotePad)
> Jonas
> _______________________________________________
> fpc-pascal maillist  - 
> fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org

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