[fpc-pascal]Debuging in Freepascal

Dirk Verwiebe dirk at verwiebe.de
Tue Sep 26 17:02:54 CEST 2000

Pierre Muller schrieb:

> What version of Free Pascal are you using ??

I use the 1.1 Snapshots. The page faults are with 1.0 release and 1.1 snaps.

>    I tested this with version 1.0 and it works !
> Beware that you can only use this with individual vars
>    ds,
>    ds_alias : word;extenal name '___v2prt0_ds_alias';
> must fail (but I get another error message for this !)
>    You are probably using mode TP or Delphi
> (either with -So or -Sd or inside the source with
>   {$mode TP} or
> {$mode delphi}  )

You are right again, the unit  is compiled with {$mode tp}

I changed this switch against {$objfpc} but the unit didn´t compile anymore.
I don´t know why. Unexpected end of file is the error message.
At the end of the unit is a intitialising part with

The author of this async unit uses objects for the communication so i don´t
know whether the unit is still working with other switches.

Is there another way to use this selector without crashes ?


Dirk Verwiebe

> In these modes this syntax is not allowed and thus
> external is consodered as a normal variable name !
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